When thinking about the site I wanted to build, I spent time looking at similar photographer's websites, thinking about how my work is going to be seen by others, thinking about the type of sites I enjoy looking at and how they work and how to navigate them.
Andy Bedford’s (Bedford, n.d.) website is very minimal which makes it easy to navigate but could there be a bit more about him or his work alongside his images, but otherwise adding contact details and his cv was informative and adding a link to his Instagram to further look through his work was useful.
Chloe Master’s website (Home, n.d.) layout is inclusive and simple, she separated the different types of photography she does into different folders. She adds sentimentality with little phrases across some of her images and her inclusion of a share button is a clever way for clients to easily share her work without effort.
On the home page of Beth Flanagan’s website (Flanagan, n.d.), the image that changes every few seconds is eye-catching and shows off more than just the ordinary single image, the layout looks simplistic and aesthetic. And the writing on her website is concise and informative, though I don’t really understand why she refers to herself in the third person, I will have to ask my tutor if this is common and something I need to do myself.
Again, the simplicity of Federica Cerniglia’s website (Cerniglia, n.d.), it is easy to navigate and the different sections for different types of work, her about section is informative and to the point, though I would have put a cv or refence to her past work and education.
Saskia New’s website (New, n.d.) is simplistic and aesthetic, I like the composition of her work and that her blog and other social media sites are all there and easy to access.
Although Dylan Brown’s website (Brown, n.d.) is a little bare and minimalistic, it gave a good insight into how people write blog posts.
Sophie T (Traynor, n.d.) uses colour to stand out as she does beauty/fashion food and product work and her about section is informative and friendly whilst still being professional.
Francis Augusto’s website (Augusto, n.d.) focuses on the composition of his work and is minimalistic, the sections he’s made of his different types of work and the more detail about the section helps get to know the photographer and how he works and why, and his documentary work is engaging.
Rachel Brown’s website (R. Brown, n.d.) is minimalistic but in a way more viewer interactive her website layout is well thought out, with different sections for her work, and her about section is impressive.
They all use sections so that work can be looked at easily/selectively and offer different ways to present a website in their own way which will be useful to experiment with for my own website design.